Ocho bomberos resultaron heridos el jueves en un fuerte choque en una autopista que involucró a un camión de bomberos en el sur de California, informaron las autoridades.
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (AP) — Roberto Alvarado convirtió un penal, Armando González añadió un tanto y Chivas retomó la senda del triunfo al imponerse el miércoles ...
Rep. Tokuda claims during her first run for Congress in 2022, her opponent coordinated with corporations and special ...
A secretive group that recruited Donald Trump supporters to run as third-party spoiler candidates in some of the nation’s most competitive congressional districts was accused of violating campaign ...
Un hombre acusado de agredir a dos estudiantes judíos con una botella de vidrio en el campus de la Universidad de Pittsburgh ...
Los últimos meses, Carlos Vela los pasó meditando un eventual regreso a las canchas. No fue sencillo, pero decidió volver a ...
Advocates have long urged L.A. to provide lawyers for low-income tenants facing eviction in court. Now, the city is moving ...
San Diego, CA, the happiest city, also tops the list of residents most satisfied with their job: 90% report high job ...
(long, red) THREAD 🧵 After a fantastic 25-week run ‼️ though parting is sweet sorrow, it’s now time to say arrivederci to ...
It’s Sep­tem­ber be­fore a No­vem­ber pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. No one knows which party will win the pres­i­dency or the ...
If Don­ald Trump ends up serv­ing a term in prison, I’d rel­ish the chance to re­fer to him as an ex-con. The brute force of ...