The current Cursory Floodplain Dataset developed by TWDB in 2021 is a statewide set of 3-meter resolution flood hazard rasters that includes probability frequencies of 20% (5-yr), 10% (10-yr), 1% (100 ...
Do I need to register my water well, and if so, how do I do that? Private water well owners in Texas do not need to register their well unless the property falls within the jurisdiction of a ...
Click here for a printable version of these procedures. Before you begin you will need at a minimum the following information: When the well was drilled, or at least an approximate date or year Name ...
1. What can the program do for you? The Clean Water State Revolving Fund, authorized by the Clean Water Act, provides low-cost financial assistance for planning, acquisition, design, and construction ...
The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Groundwater Database (GWDB) contains information on selected water wells, springs, oil/gas tests (that were originally intended to be or were converted to ...
Senate Bill 137 (1975), House Bill 2 (1985), Senate Bill 683 (1987), and other legislative directives called for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) to maintain a data collection and analytical ...
The Flood Planning Data Hub is the source for information compiled by the TWDB for the regional flood planning groups. This includes resources from many entities. An index of GIS resources is ...
Lake Bob Sandlin (also known as Fort Sherman Dam or Cherokee Trail Lake) is located approximately six miles southwest of Mount Pleasant in Titus County and six miles northwest of Pittsburg in Camp ...
The mission of the water conservation staff is to provide leadership, planning, education, information, technical assistance, and agricultural financial assistance for water conservation in Texas. In ...
Desired future conditions are defined in Title 31, Part 10, §356.10 (6) of the Texas Administrative Code as "the desired, quantified condition of groundwater resources (such as water levels, spring ...
Groundwater, along with surface water, is important for maintaining the viability of the state's natural resources, health, and economic development. The projected doubling of the state's population ...
The Online Water Use Survey is closed for the remainder of the year for post-processing of data and will re-open January 2025. If you would like to submit a past-due survey, please use a PDF form and ...